Business owners and entrepreneurs who own small businesses often struggle to keep up with operational expenses. It’s not easy being your own boss. You are the only person who can make decisions and affect change.

That being said, running a small business requires tremendous amounts of time and effort. Having to constantly invest your time and resources in the business can be financially draining.

Fortunately, there are many ways a small business owner can reduce operational expenses. Some of these ways include choosing a more efficient office layout, working from home instead of an office, and using a document management system. However, one of the most effective ways to reduce operational expenses is by renting a copier instead of buying one.

Why rent a copier?

Renting a copier can help save your small business money in a few different ways. Let’s start with the most obvious one.

As a business grows it acquires more and more paper. As your small business grows you’ll find yourself printing more and more. That’s fine and good until your small business needs more space to grow. At that point, you’ll need to either downsize or lease additional real estate.

Renting a copier can help eliminate the capital investment required to purchase a new copier machine. By renting you only have to make monthly payments for the length of time you have the machine. This can be a huge financial burden for a small business that may only need it for a year.

Now, those are just a couple of reasons why you should rent a copier instead of buying one. There are many more that we will explore below.

1. You can quickly and easily purchase the right copier machine for your business

It can be very difficult to know exactly what type of copier you will need for your business. There are so many different models and types of copiers on the market. It can be hard to know which one to get.

Fortunately, figuring out which machine will work best for your business is simple. You can rent a large variety of copiers to find which one works best for your needs. And don’t worry about getting the perfect machine for your business. You can simply rent a copier for the office and a copier for the warehouse if you need two.

By simply renting different types of copiers you can easily determine which one will work best for you and your business.

2. Copying machines need to be maintained and repaired all the time. By renting you only have to worry about that once a year.

Maintaining a copier can be a hassle. Every year your business needs to make an investment in new copiers. However, if you rent you don’t have to worry about that. You simply have to make the monthly rental payment and your machine will be repaired when needed. If a copier breaks, you simply call the copier repair company, they come fix it, and then your machine is good as new again.

Now, there is a chance that your copier will break before the year is up. This can happen if you have a particularly heavy workload or if you are a larger business and are printing lots of documents. In that case, your copier will need to be replaced before the year is up.

But for the most part your copier should be maintenance free. You only have to worry about it being repaired when it breaks.

3. You’ll never have to worry about losing important documents again

One of the scariest things that can happen to any small business is having a document go missing. That document could be a contract, an important email, or a important report. Whatever the case your business could suffer if it is lost or stolen.

That’s where the security of renting a photocopier comes into play. When you hire a company to rent a photocopier you are putting your trust in them to take care of the machine. And they are taking care of it. They are responsible for keeping your documents safe and secure.

Now, there is always the chance that someone will steal a copier. Depending on your location this is unlikely. But, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. That’s why you should always rent a photocopier instead of buying one.


The benefits of renting a copier over buying one are numerous. From lower cost to no maintenance, you’ll find that there are plenty of advantages to renting a photocopier. This can easily save your business money in the long run.

If you are looking for a company to rent a copier with, get in touch with Optimus Sales Sdn Bhd. Call or whatsapp us at 016-263 1398, or email

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